Monday, May 24, 2010

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've had the time to post.  I worked my (not so little anymore) butt off, and then spent the last few days relaxing and finally enjoying the pleasure of good company.

Oh, and of course, there was a little cooking involved in my law school rebound.  On Sunday a few friends came by and we feasted.  I made smoked salmon tea sandwiches, popovers, baked eggs, roasted tomatoes and asparagus, bacon, and a whopping great tray of macaroni and cheese.  This spread turned full out bounty with the gorgeous creations of friends: cinnamon rolls, potatoes, fruit salad, and some very necessary cocktails.

Many people mentioned the eggs.  While they may have been humoring me, the crazy eyed be-aproned shut-in, I thought I would share the recipe because it's so quick and easy that by the end I was sending people home with the fixins.

Baked Eggs for a Crowd
1 dozen eggs
1 cup shredded good, sharp cheddar
s & p 
Equipment: muffin tins (you need twelve muffin cups total)

1. Generously butter muffin tins.
2. Crack an egg in each, top with a splash (a teaspoon or so) of cream per egg, salt, pepper, a teaspoon or so of chives, and a little cheese.
3. Bake for 10 minutes or until whites are set at 400.
I told you it was easy.  It gives you time to enjoy the other goodies...